Monday 18 February 2013

Hi.. This is Ahmad and this is my blog..

Ombak Rindu

Written by Fauziah Ashari

 Izzah is an orphan girl that the death of both his parents as a result of road accidents. Hence, his uncle, took on the task preserve Izzah Taha. Taha's wife is not happy with the presence of accused Izzah Izzah and bring disaster to the family.

Taha uncle in debt. Due to a shortage of funds he was willing to sell his nephew to a nightclub boss. Izzah forced to follow the will of his uncle, though not willingly.

That's where he met a customer named Hariz. Izzah and Hariz bought the expensive price of the club's boss and bring him out of that hell. At the request Izzah, Hariz eventually married with Izzah but provided everything must be kept confidential.

Mila presence Amylia, son of Tan Sri Rashdan, a model and actress known for homeland undermine the nascent Izzah love to Hariz. Can Izzah receive Mila Amylia as honey? What about Mila on Izzah acceptance? Can Izzah and Hariz happy Mila? Bahagiakah household, built on the presence of other people? How Sufiah Datuk action after learning the story exactly?

Lagenda Budak Setan

Written by Ahadiat Akahshah

 Kasyah with friends sekumpulannya, Cow, Man and Cin Cai is a naughty student who often make troublemakers and are known for often subject to disciplinary action. They also label them as anti-female group. However, attitudes and delinquency Kasyah changed with the emergence of a new student, Ayu. Ayu was true - true compelling and Kasyah feelings, make him fall in love. Ayu Kasyah challenging to change and as a condition for him to receive Kasyah. New episodes Kasyah life began.Kasyah is time to do his thesis research tasks to the interior. Kasyah temporary split with Ayu. Azmi, who never disappoints lovely, love addiction is now coming back from Ayu. Azmi disappointed when Ayu reject the request. Through Ayu's mother, Mak Leha, Azmi planning something to enable married Ayu. Through planning Azmi, Mak Leha pretend heart attack and can not be worried. Offers one ayu Azmi had received in his life, for fear of his mother's condition. Ayu married Azmi. Kasyah disappointed. Happiness is not expected to appear.Azmi back to his old habits of drunks, hot-tempered, and often thrashed female feet Ayu. One night, they were both big quarrel. Ayu hit escape act with a car. While driving in a state of trauma and emotional, Ayu lost control and crash. Ayu was seriously injured. His face was crushed. Ayu Azmi apology but instead demanded a divorce and ask for a new face. New episodes Ayu life began. Lovely new look now appear as Emilia. Lovely wants to start a new life and forget the sadness episodes.Ayu / Emilia, set up the company through savings and compensation from Azmi. Through his Suzana, Kasyah traced and invited to work with companies Emilia. Kasyah which initially did not expect anything, began to suspect something after new work. Through Suzana Kasyah also know everything about Ayu / Emilia. Their relationship back linking. Azmi hurt trying shake this relationship back. Azmi once again asking for help to persuade Mak Leha Ayu / Emilia. At home Emilia, Emilia Azmi was hit in front of Mom and daddy until Emilia fell unconscious. He was seriously injured in the head and lost his memory. Various ways done by Kasyah and Mak Leha to restore memory, but was not successful. Emilia senakin recover, eventually marrying Kasyah. Kasyah expected happiness did not last long. Ayu / Emilia died in childbirth.

Written by Fredric March


Dr. Henry Jekyll believes that there are two distinct sides to men - a good and an evil side. He believes that by separating the two man can become liberated. He succeeds in his experiments with chemicals to accomplish this and transforms into Hyde to commit horrendous crimes. When he discontinues use of the drug it is already too late..

 Henry "Harry" Jekyll is a well respected member of London society. In his personal life, he is pre-engaged to Muriel Carew, the daughter of a brigadier general. In his professional life, he is a medical doctor, scientist and academician. He theorizes that in each man is a good side and an evil side which can be separated into two. In doing so, the evil side can be controlled and the good side can live without worry, in combination leading to the betterment of society. In his experiments, he uses himself as the subject to test his hypothesis. His evil side, who he coins Mr. Hyde, escapes into London, and terrorizes party-girl Ivy Pierson. Jekyll, aware of Hyde's goings-on, decides to stop his experiments because of the suffering he has caused Ivy. What Jekyll is unaware of is how ingrained Hyde is in Jekyll's life.
Written by Daniel Defoe

 Crusoe sets sail from the Queen's Dock in Hull on a sea voyage in August 1651, against his parents' wishes, who want him to pursue a career, possibly in law. After a tumultuous journey where his ship is wrecked in a storm, his lust for the sea remains so strong that he sets out to sea again. This journey, too, ends in disaster as the ship is taken over by Salé pirates (the Salé Rovers) and Crusoe is enslaved by a Moor. Two years later, he escapes in a boat with a boy named Xury; a Captain of a Portuguese ship off the west coast of Africa rescues him. The ship is en route to Brazil. With the captain's help, Crusoe procures a plantation.
Years later, Crusoe joins an expedition to bring slaves from Africa but he is shipwrecked in a storm about forty miles out to sea on an island (which he calls the Island of Despair) near the mouth of the Orinoco river on September 30, 1659. The details of Crusoe's island were probably based on the Caribbean island of Tobago, since that island lies a short distance north of the Venezuelan coast near the mouth of the Orinoco river, in sight of Trinidad.[7] Only he and three animals, the captain's dog and two cats, survive the shipwreck. Overcoming his despair, he fetches arms, tools, and other supplies from the ship before it breaks apart and sinks. He builds a fenced-in habitat near a cave which he excavates. By making marks in a wooden cross, he creates a calendar. By using tools salvaged from the ship, and ones he makes himself, he hunts, grows barley and rice, dries grapes to make raisins, learns to make pottery, and raises goats. He also adopts a small parrot. He reads the Bible and becomes religious, thanking God for his fate in which nothing is missing but human society.
More years pass and Crusoe discovers native cannibals, who occasionally visit the island to kill and eat prisoners. At first he plans to kill them for committing an abomination but later realizes he has no right to do so, as the cannibals do not knowingly commit a crime. He dreams of obtaining one or two servants by freeing some prisoners; when a prisoner escapes, Crusoe helps him, naming his new companion "Friday" after the day of the week he appeared. Crusoe then teaches him English and converts him to Christianity.
After more natives arrive to partake in a cannibal feast, Crusoe and Friday kill most of the natives and save two prisoners. One is Friday's father and the other is a Spaniard, who informs Crusoe about other Spaniards shipwrecked on the mainland. A plan is devised wherein the Spaniard would return to the mainland with Friday's father and bring back the others, build a ship, and sail to a Spanish port.
Before the Spaniards return, an English ship appears; mutineers have commandeered the vessel and intend to maroon their captain on the island. Crusoe and the ship's captain strike a deal in which Crusoe helps the captain and the loyal sailors retake the ship and leave the worst mutineers on the island. Before embarking for England, Crusoe shows the mutineers how he survived on the island and states that there will be more men coming. Crusoe leaves the island 19 December 1686 and arrives in England on 11 June 1687. He learns that his family believed him dead; as a result, he was left nothing in his father's will. Crusoe departs for Lisbon to reclaim the profits of his estate in Brazil, which has granted him much wealth. In conclusion, he transports his wealth overland to England to avoid travelling by sea. Friday accompanies him and, en route, they endure one last adventure together as they fight off famished wolves while crossing the Pyrenees.

Percy Jackson And The Sea Of Monsters

Written by Rick Riordan

Percy has another dream of Grover, and this time Grover and Percy talk to each other (Grover had earlier had made an empathy link, allowing them to communicate sometimes while Percy is sleeping) and Grover reveals that he is trapped in The Sea of Monsters by a Cyclops named Polyphemus. Grover says that "it" is here, but Percy wakes up before he can ask what Grover means.
The day after, Percy asks Annabeth if she understands what the dream about Grover means. Annabeth tells him that Grover may have found the Golden Fleece, and they both realize that the Golden Fleece can cure Thalia's poisoned tree. That night at the campfire, Annabeth and Percy ask Tantalus to send somebody on a quest to find the Golden Fleece, which he does, sending Clarisse. Percy gets angry with Tantalus, but doesn't know what to do. Later that night, when everyone else is asleep, Percy sneaks out to the beach and is met by Hermes, who gives him three duffel bags full of money and clothes, a magical thermos that holds the four winds, and a box of Minotaur-shaped multivitamins. He tells him that he must choose to board a passing cruise ship. Annabeth and Tyson arrive, and they decide to go to the cruise ship before security harpies consume them.
Percy receives help from Poseidon, who sends them three hippocampi, and together with Annabeth and Tyson, end up on the cruise ship, the Princess Andromeda, which is revealed to be owned by Luke. They are captured and learn that Luke is trying to reform Kronos, the lord of the Titans. They manage to escape on a lifeboat and go to Chesapeake Bay, where Annabeth leads them to a hideout that she had created a few years earlier when running away with Luke and Thalia.
Tyson gets a box of donuts which he got from a nearby donut shop (Monster Donut). They are attacked by a Hydra, which is killed by Clarisse who has a boat of her own that was given to her by her father Ares. The boat is an ironclad from the Civil War. They sail for the Sea of Monsters (which has now moved to the Bermuda Triangle) and Clarisse plans to destroy Charybdis and also encounters Scylla, who devours the captain of the ship as well as a few others of the crew. The engine overheats and explodes, and Clarisse's boat is destroyed and eaten by a monster. Percy and Annabeth make it out (Tyson is presumed dead), but lose their duffel bags; plus, the thermos has been emptied because Annabeth opened it "a little too far." They eventually find an island where Circe lives, and dock at her island, which turns out to be a spa. However, Percy is turned into a guinea pig and is put in a cage with six others. Annabeth frees him by using the multivitamins to become resistant to magic, and gives some to Percy and the others, who become human again. It turns out that the other six guinea pigs were Blackbeard (son of Ares) and his crew, and Percy and Annabeth use Blackbeard's ship to get away.
As they are sailing, they pass the land of the Sirens. Annabeth, who knows that the Sirens tell of their innermost desires,she decides that she wants Percy to tie her to the mast and have her listen to the Sirens' songs. However, Percy forgets to remove her knife, and she manages to free herself, almost reaching the island, but Percy manages to save her; in doing so, he learns that the Sirens' song made Annabeth see what she wanted most: her parents reunited and Luke converted back to the side of the gods, all having a picnic, in front of a brand new Manhattan, rebuilt by Annabeth. He grabs her before she can get out of the water and gets her back under, creating a giant air bubble so that she can breathe, and they make it back to their ship. On board, Annabeth tells Percy that her fatal flaw is hubris (deadly pride). They reach the island of Polyphemus – where they find Tyson safe and alive – and save Grover with the help of Tyson and Clarisse, recovering the Fleece in the process. They make their way to Florida, and Percy sends Clarisse, with the Fleece, back to camp.
Percy, Annabeth, Grover and Tyson are captured by Luke, and are taken to the Princess Andromeda. Percy manages to contact camp with an Iris-message, tricking Luke into admitting he poisoned Thalia's tree. In a duel with Luke, Percy is nearly killed. He is saved by Chiron and his relatives, the "Party Ponies". Chiron is rehired after being proven not guilty, and the Fleece cures Thalia's tree of its poison; however, Thalia herself is spewed out of the tree. Chiron realizes that everything that had happened had been to bring back Thalia, just to "put another chess piece into play".

The Lightning Thief

Written by Rick Riordan


Percy Jackson is a 12 year old boy, diagnosed with ADHD and dyslexia, who has been expelled from numerous (six) schools, the latest being Yancy Academy. During a school field trip to the Metropolitan Museum of Art in Manhattan New York City, his pre-algebra teacher, Mrs. Dodds, attacks Percy, revealing that she is one of the three Furies. Percy's stepfather, Gabe Ugliano, a man whose smell is very repulsive, mistreats both Percy and Percy's mother, Sally. To get away from Gabe, Sally takes Percy on a trip to Montauk in Long Island for a three-day vacation.
In the middle of the first night Percy's closest friend and former classmate at Yancy Academy, Grover Underwood, who is revealed to be a satyr, comes and warns the two of them that Percy is in danger. Sally drives them both to Camp Half-Blood, a camp for demigods, where he can train and be protected. On the way there, they are attacked by the Minotaur, which grabs Percy's mother by her throat. She then dissolves into a golden shower of light. Percy, angered by the Minotaur for killing his mom and then going after his best friend, goes after the Minotaur and defeats him using the Minotaur's own horn. Percy then stumbles into the camp carrying a semi-conscious Grover.
Upon waking up, Percy meets another camper, Annabeth, who is the daughter of Athena. Percy is moved into the Hermes cabin, under the care of Luke Castellan, the cabin's counselor. During a game of capture the flag, the Ares cabin attacks and injures Percy. He steps into the adjoining river and is healed by the waters. After the game is won, Percy gets attacked by a hellhound, which gets shot by arrows and dies. To heal himself, he steps into the water, while Poseidon's trident appears above his head, reassuring him that he is the son of Poseidon. Poseidon has broke refrain from having any more children with mortal women, as their children can become too powerful and become a threat. It is revealed that Zeus's Master bolt has been stolen. Because Percy has been claimed, Zeus believes that Percy was the one to have stolen it. To clear his and his father's name, Percy is granted a quest to find Zeus's first lightning which Chiron believes Hades has stolen.
Percy has to find the bolt before the summer solstice, ten days from then. Luke gives magic flying shoes to Percy before leaving on the quest with Annabeth and Grover. Percy has to travel west to reach the entrance to the Underworld in Hollywood. They encounter Greek monsters, including the Furies, Medusa, Echidna, the Chimera, and Ares, the god of war, who tells Percy that his mother is alive.
As they approach Hades' palace, Luke’s shoes try to drag Grover over the edge of Tartarus, but he manages to slip free. Percy confronts Hades, who believes Percy stole his Helm of Darkness, an object that allows him to become a shadow. Percy discovers that the bolt had appeared in the backpack Ares gave them and flees from the Underworld, forced to leave his mother behind.
Percy fights and defeats Ares, obtaining the helm, which he asks the Furies, who witnessed everything, to return to Hades. Percy flies to New York, risking his life by entering the sky, the realm of Zeus. He arrives in New York City to give the first lightning to Zeus at level 600 of the Empire State Building, where Olympus is now located. Zeus accepts his first lightning bolt, and Percy returns to camp. Percy spends the remainder of the summer participating in almost everything. In the last day of camp, Luke reveals that he stole the bolt for Kronos and summons a poisonous pit scorpion which stings and nearly kills Percy. Chiron saves Percy. Annabeth decides to try things again with her dad. Percy reflects on his father and decides to live with his mother that school year. At the end of the book Grover has a dream to search for Pan. It is a privilege that very few satyrs are granted.

I am Number 4

Written by Pittacus Lore

John Smith is an alien from the planet Lorien. He was sent to Earth as a child with eight others to escape the invading Mogadorians, who destroyed Lorien. Here, John is protected by a Guardian, Henri, and has developed "legacies", including enhanced strength, speed and agility, telekinesis and the power to transmit plasma light through his hands.
The Mogadorians, led by the Commander, learn about the nine children and come to Earth to find them. The Loriens can only be killed in sequence; Number One through Number Nine, though, and three of them are already dead, with John being Number Four. Knowing this, he and Henri move from a beachside bungalow in Florida to an old farm in Paradise, Ohio, where John befriends conspiracy theorist Sam Goode and a dog which he names Bernie Kosar. He also falls for an amateur photographer, Sarah Hart. Her ex-boyfriend, football player Mark James is a bully who torments both John and Sam.
During the Halloween festival, Mark and his friends chase Sarah and John into the woods, where they try to beat John up. However, he uses his legacies to fend them off and rescue Sarah. Sam witnesses this and how he'd used his legacies. John reveals his true origins to Sam. The next day, Mark's father, the local sheriff, interrogates Henri on John's whereabouts when his son and his friends were attacked.
Henri tells John that too many people are suspicious of them so they have to leave. John refuses because of Sarah. Meanwhile the Mogadorians continue searching for John. Number Six's guardian was killed, and she realizes that the remaining six of the Lorien Garde will have to team up and fight against the Mogadorians. She knows Number Three is dead and that Number Four is being hunted.
The Mogadorians eventually locate John. When John and Sam go to rescue him, they are attacked but manage to fend the Mogadorians off. However, Henri dies after John and Sam escape with some Lorien artifacts. John saves Sarah from a fire, revealing his powers in the process, and they escape to their high school.
There, John, Sarah and Sam are attacked by the Mogadorians, who brought two giant monsters to hunt the trio. They are saved by Number Six and Bernie, who is actually a shapeshifting Chimera sent by John's biological parents to protect him. John and Number Six continue to fight the Mogadorians. They eventually defeat them all, including the Commander.
John leaves after promising to return to Paradise and to Sarah.

Hingga Ke Disember

Written by Wannie Nordin

Ordinary love ... It's all been a dream Amilia. Meet, love and marriage. Simple! But why such a simple dream was so difficult to reach. Why one by one alleged to be traveled just to get a normal life like everyone else?

He did not ask Hang Fareez go, but fate has brought the man to go away from it. He also demanded that the Temple of love. The man himself who came to submit a full heart and soul. And indeed, he does not want to be hostile to anyone, but why does not the dashed Hang Hazana hate?

~ Amilia K. A. H. W. I. N. The word is not nice to hear at the time, and during this time. Add this further when there are people who try joking about who would marry her soon. Frustration!

Haikal ~ I do not they ask you to forget Fareez. He's TechPowerUp we will never forget for our entire life. The only thing that I need is a little space and opportunity in the heart of you. Allow to prove I love you and I in our opportunity to equally happy. If I get a piece of the liver and the heart tu you already I'm satisfied ...

 Is this December will bring happiness to Amilia? Or, do it again the next frustration manifests?